Photographs are the true image pictures showing truly appearance of the earth’s surface objectives on the flat bodies of special pieces of paper taken with the use of a camera and chemically printed. Or 

Are the pictorial representations of the remote sensed data recorded on film in a camera then chemically printed on special pieces of paper. 

With respect to the definition given, photography is produced as the image of the object captured and recorded with a camera on a light sensitive film.

1. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. Suggest the main economic activity taking place on the area

b. Describe three effect of an activity you have mentioned in (a) above to the environment

c. Mention two regions in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken

d. Mention three mineral resources that can be obtained from the area

e. Describe the scale of production on the area

f. Mention any four problems facing an activity you have mentioned in (a) above


a. The main economic activity taking place on the area is mining activity. Due to the presence of modern machines for extracting minerals

b. Three effect of an activity you have mentioned in (a) above to the environment are

• Loss of biodiversity, animals and plants die as a result of cutting down threes

• It accelerates desertification, because large area of land remain bare without trees

• It leads to shortage of rain

c. Two regions in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken include

• Geita

• Mwadui-Shinyanga

• Nyamongo- Tarime

d. Three mineral resources that can be obtained from the area are

• Gold

• Diamond

• Tanzanite

e. The scale of production on the area is large scale production due to the presence of large modern machine like bulldozers and used in extraction but also the area where activity is taking place is large.

f. Any four problems facing an activity you have mentioned in (a) above are

• Shortage of capital for buying modern machine and for paying workers

• Fluctuation of mineral price to the world market

• Low level of science and technology; example in Tanzania there is application of local technology in mining compared to developed countries like USA.

• Shortage of skilled labors; most of geologists and engineers found in Tanzania are not competent enough hence this seems to be a great challenge in African countries.

2. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. With evidence suggest the suitable type of photograph

b. Which activity is carried out on the area

c. Name the crop shown on the area

d. Name three regions in Tanzania where this crop is grown

e. Mention two uses of the crop shown on the area


a. The suitable type of photograph is horizontal photograph. Because it shows one side view of object and it has horizon at the back ground

b. An activity taking place on the area is Agricultural activity due to the presence of pineapple plantation.

c. The crop shown is Pineapple

d. Three regions in Tanzania where this crop is grown are

• Geita

• Kigoma

• Coastal region

• Mwanza

e. Two uses of the crop include

• It is used as food (fruit)

• It is used for making drinks example pineapple juice

3. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. Which activity is taking place on the area

b. With evidence identify the method used in an activity you have mentioned in (a) above

c. Outline three negative effects caused by an activity in the environment

d. Suggest three ways that can be used to reduce the negative effects caused by an activity to the environment

e. Mention two natural resource that can be found on the area shown

f. Mention three areas in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken


a. An activity taking place on the area is mining. This is evidenced due to the presence of modern machine and open hollow where minerals are extracted

b. The method of mining used is open cast method. Due to the presence of wide open depression having bulldozers.

c. Three negative effects caused by an activity to the environment includes

i. Loss of biodiversity, plants and animals are killed and some of them migrate toward other geographical areas to find new habitats as  their homes get destroyed when digging deep holes.

ii. It leads to soil erosion, because after cutting down trees the surface rock become unstable hence can be carried away by agents of erosion like water and wind

iii. It leads to air pollution, when extracting minerals some dusts are added onto the atmosphere. This may lead to acid rain as well as depletion of ozone layer

d. The ways that can be used to reduce the negative effects caused by mining include

i. Planting new plant species to the areas that have no vegetation

ii. Treating harmful liquid materials like mercury that seems to be dangerous to living organisms

iii. Diversification of economy, other activities like industries, tourism and agriculture should be encouraged so that other people can involve in these sectors instead of depending only in mining

e. Two natural resources that can found on the area are

i. Minerals like Gold, diamonds, Tanzanite and copper

ii. Building materials like hard rocks

f. Three areas in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken include

i. Geita gold mine in geita

ii. Mwadui in Shinyanga

iii. Mererani in Arusha

4. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. With evidence suggest the suitable type of transport taking place

b. What are the advantages of using type of transport you have mentioned in (a) above? Give two points

c. Outline three demerits of category of transport taking place on the area

d. Mention two areas in Tanzania where this type of transport take place

e. At what time was the photograph taken?

f. Name three artificial features found at the fore ground

g. Identify type of road shown at the fore ground


a. The suitable type of transport taking place is land transport (animal transport) due to the presence of donkey pulling a cart

b. Advantages of using type of transport in (a) above include

i. It is less expensive, because there is no need of oil to run it

ii. It suitable for carrying heavy loads than human transport

c. Three demerits of category of transport taking place on the area

i. It is slow compared to road transport hence it is not suitable for transporting goods for a long distance

ii. Animals can be affected by diseases

d. Two areas in Tanzania where this type of transport take place include

i. Singida

ii. Shinyanga

e. The photograph was taken during the afternoon because the shadow of carts and donkeys is short around them

f. Three artificial features found at the fore ground include

i. Road at the fore ground

ii. Cart at the fore ground

iii. Cask at the fore ground

g. The type of road shown at the fore ground is All weather road (tarmac road)

5. Study the following photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. Name the crop shown on the photographed area

b. Name the type of crop you have mentioned in (a) above

c. Mention four uses of crop you have mentioned in (a) above

d. Mention three famous regions in Tanzania where this crop is grown

e. Mention three condition necessary for the growth of crop you have mentioned in (a) above

f. State the scale of photograph

g. With evidence identify the main economic activity taking place on the area shown

h. With evidence show the contribution of crop shown to the economy of Tanzania


a. Sugar cane

b. Cash crops because it is produced for sale

c. Four uses of crop mentioned in (a) above include

i. It is used as food

ii. It is used for making sugar in industry

d. Three famous regions in Tanzania where this crop is grown include

i. Kagera

ii. Morogoro

e. Three condition necessary for the growth of crop in (a) above include

i. Fertile soil

ii. Heavy rainfall

iii. Moderate temperature

f. The scale of photograph is not constant or uniform as it decreases from the foreground toward the back ground, therefore sugar  canes found at the fore ground are large in size compared to those found at the middle and background

g. Agricultural activity, due to the presence of sugar cane farm at the foreground

h. Sugar cane is a source of national income because after making sugar, it is sold to the market and the government collects taxes as well as national income

6. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. Suggest the suitable title of the photograph

b. Suggest the suitable type of human activity taking place in the area

c. Identify the area in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken

d. Show the contribution of the area shown to the economy of Tanzania

e. Name the dominant natural feature shown at the back ground and give reason why it is natural feature?

f. Suggest the season when photography was taken


a. Bus station. Due to the presence of buses and passengers’ building

b. Tertiary activity; due to the presence of bus station at middle ground and foreground

c. The area in Tanzania where this photograph might have been taken is Dodoma

d. The area is a source of national income because the government collects some fines and taxes at the bus station

e. The dominant natural feature at the back ground is the sky (clouds). It is called natural feature because it is not made by human being

f. Winter or dry season, due to the presence of bright sky at the back ground

7. Study the following photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. What is the population problem shown on the photograph?

b. Mention two problems that can be caused by a population problem you have mentioned in (a) above

c. How the population problem can be reduced or solved? Give two points

d. Mention three regions in Tanzania that is faced with this problem

e. Give reason, why the problem is termed as man-made phenomenon


a. Traffic congestion

b. The problem that can be caused by a population problem mentioned in (a) above INCLUDE

i. Occurrence of road accident

c. The population problem can be reduced or solved through

i. Widening of the road

ii. Constructing fly overs

d. Three regions in Tanzania that are faced with this problem include

a. Dar es salaam

b. Mwanza

c. Arusha

e. The problem is termed as man-made phenomena because it is caused by human being due to high population

8. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. Identify the type of forest. Give three evidences to support your answer

b. Name the natural feature running from the middle fore ground toward the center middle ground

c. Mention four importance of the natural feature you have mentioned in (b) above

d. Explain how the natural feature you have named in (b) above influence the growth of vegetation shown

e. Mention three products that can be obtained from the type of forest you have named in (a) above

f. Mention importance of vegetation shown on the area

g. With evidences, suggest the suitable climate of the area

h. Identify four factors that have facilitated the growth of forest shown

i. With evidence, identify two economic activities that may take place in this area


a. Natural forest. Because trees are not arranged in rows and column and there are different species of trees

b. River

c. Four importance of the natural feature you have mentioned in (b) above include

i. It provides water for domestic purpose

ii. It supports the growth of plants due to the presence of water for supplying nutrients

iii. It supports development of fishing activity

iv. It supports development of agriculture through irrigation

d. The natural feature enables the growth of plants because enables supply of nutrients in solution form from one place to another. Therefore the areas that have water bodies like rivers have many trees than those with no rivers

e. Three products that can be obtained from the type of forest in (a) above include

i. Timbers

ii. Fruits

iii. Medical herbs

f. Importance of vegetation shown on the area

i. They prevent soil erosion

ii. They influence formation of rainfall

iii. They conserve water catchments

g. Equatorial climate. Due to the presence of dense forest which contributes to the formation of rain throughout the year as well as presence of river at the center fore and middle ground of the photograph

h. Four factors that have facilitated the growth of forest shown

ii) Presence of water body like river shown at the fore ground

iii) Fertile soil that enables the growth of trees

iv) Relief of the area is flat and suitable for the growth vegetation

v) Climate. Because the area is located in equatorial climate and receives enough throughout the year

i. Two economic activities that may take place in this area are

i. Lumbering activity; due to the presence of big trees all over the area shown that can be harvested to produce timbers

ii. Fishing activity; due to the presence of river at the center fore and middle ground of the area shown

9. Study the following photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. With evidences, identify two categories of land transport taking place on the area

b. Name two fauna shown on the photograph

c. Describe relief of the area

d. At what time the photography was taken

e. With two reasons, name type of photograph shown

f. Mention three importance of fauna you have mentioned in (b) above


a. i) Road transport. Due to the presence of road and vehicles at the fore ground

iii) Animal transport; due to the presence of moving animal (elephant) carrying load and human being

b. Three fauna shown on the photograph include

i. An elephant

ii. Human being (people)

c. The photograph was taken during the afternoon. Because the shadow of vehicles and an elephant is short lying around them

d. Horizontal photograph; firstly it shows one side view of vehicles and an elephant secondly it has no constant scale therefore the size of features decrease from the fore ground toward the back ground

e. Three importance of fauna mentioned in (b) above include

i. They are source of tourism

ii. They enable transportation example elephant

iii. They facilitate formation of rain

10. Study the following photograph below then answer the questions that follow

a. With evidences identify the dominant type of rock shown

b. Mention three characteristics of rock you have mentioned in (a) above

c. Explain how the type of rock you have named in (a) above is formed

d. Outline three uses of type of rock you have named in (a) above

e. Mention other two types of rock that have not shown on the area


a. Sedimentary rocks; due to the presence of stratified layers of hard and soft rocks at the fore ground

b. Three characteristics of rock in (a) above

i. They have layers soft and hard rocks

ii. They are formed due to sedimentation

iii. They contain fossils

c. Sedimentary rock is formed due to sedimentation, lithification and compaction of sediments produced as a result of accumulation of eroded materials in low land area

d. Three uses of type of rock in (a) above

i. They provide building materials like sand and sandstone

ii. They form attractive features like coral reef

iii. They are source of energy like coal and natural gas

e. Other two types of rock that have not shown on the area include

i. Igneous rocks

ii. Metamorphic rocks



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